Tab Page – Office Policies – Medication Refills

Medication Refills

What medications will be refilled?

  • Our office will only refill those medications we have prescribed, AND only if you are an active patient in our practice.

How many refills will be prescribed?

  • During your office visit, we will try to prescribe medications with enough refills to last you until your next office visit
  • If you cancel your follow up appointment, we will NOT refill your medications until you are re-evaluated by Dr. Athni
  • If you choose not to re-schedule your appointment, you should consider obtaining all further refills thru your primary care physician

How are refills processed??

  • We normally refill medications during the office visit
  • We send all medication refills thru eRx (electronic prescribing system)
  • The eRx system minimizes human error, and reduces prescription filling time
  • Once we send an eRx prescription, an eRx is typically processed and filled within 1 hour by most pharmacies

“Calling in” prescriptions

  • To minimize errors, we will NOT “call in” a refill medications
  • If your pharmacy does not accept electronic prescriptions, we will give you a hand-written prescription during your office visit for you to hand-carry

Narcotics Pain Medications and Controlled Medications

  • Many pain medications are “controlled” and monitored by the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) to minimize fraud and abuse
  • We will NOT prescribe or refill any controlled narcotic pain medications
  • We WILL prescribed non-narcotic, controlled medications.
  • These medications will ONLY prescribed and refilled during a face-to-face office visit