Tab Page – Services Provided – Records Review
Records Review
- If an insurance company or attorney is involved in a legal case which requires a Neurological opinion, we will be happy to review the records and answer any pending questions.
- The Medical Records Review will be purely objective, regardless of who is requesting the Records Review.
- After the Records Review, Dr. Athni will be available to discuss the findings with the requesting attorney or insurance company.
- A report of the Records Review will be generated and faxed to the requesting party.
- Depending on the volume of the medical records, the review can take 1-2 weeks after receiving the medical records.
- We expect pre-payment for these services.
- The cost will be based on services requested, such as the volume of medical records, whether any imaging films need to be reviewed, and whether a telephone conference is also being requested.
- Please contact our office to discuss these fees.